SEO and AI – the relationship of the future

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Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been permeating every aspect of our daily lives. We use it to automate our cars, search the internet, and even order food with just the press of a button. While it might seem impossible to imagine, artificial intelligence could also play an increasingly important role in search engine optimization. Let’s take a look at how AI can help your website get more organic traffic from search engines like Google.

Robots should help, not replace

Sure, robots are good at a lot of things. But when it comes to search engine optimization, they just can’t replace the human touch. That’s because SEO is all about understanding what people are searching for and then creating content that meets their needs. 


Robots simply don’t have the kind of creativity or emotional intelligence necessary to create compelling blog posts, videos, or images. They may be able to find great keywords for your website, but unless you’re interested in receiving only high-volume low-value traffic from bots, you’ll need an experienced human being to optimize your website with those keywords. Although you never know.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a process of programming computers to make decisions for themselves. This can include things like understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, and making predictions. While some people might think that AI could replace human beings in certain jobs, it’s not quite possible yet. However, there are lots of industries that are relying on AI to do their work more efficiently than they were able to before. Primary ways in which Artificial Intelligence has impacted optimization is by providing more data about user behavior and helping with content generation. Galway SEO agency and others are using it. 

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Search Engine Optimization process 

There’s no doubt that AI is rapidly changing the digital marketing landscape. And as technology becomes more sophisticated, its impact on optimization strategies will only become more pronounced. As a result, SEO professionals need to consider how their practices can evolve to include this emerging trend. Now, AI helps prioritize page content based on likelihood of achieving top ranking in SERPs, the volume of information available online has led to an increase in keyword stuffing and spamming practices, but these can be mitigated by machine learning software, creative tasks such as copywriting have been replaced by automated tools which provide consistent results faster than human efforts alone. And these are just the most basic examples.

How Google uses AI to rank websites?

When it comes to ranking websites, Google relies on a number of different factors. But with the advent of Artificial Intelligence, the search engine giant is starting to use this technology more and more to help determine which websites should be ranked higher than others. One way that Google uses it for its search algorithm is to judge how trustworthy a website appears. If an incoming site has links from other sites who are trusted by Google, they are considered to be more trustworthy and can rank higher in the SERPs than less-trusted sites. The trustworthiness factor also includes whether or not a site looks like it has been hacked or if there are some other suspicious indicators such as no security seals present.

Natural language processing

NLP is used to apply automatic data processing to human language data in order to derive insights that wouldn’t be possible through traditional methods. It also provides tools for analyzing how consumers use text or speech. The goal of natural language processing is to make interactions with computers more like a conversation with a person by creating a user interface experience which is more intuitive, responsive, and conversational.

Machine learning

AI is changing the face of digital marketing, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the field of search engine optimization. Machine learning is a branch that deals with the creation of algorithms that can learn and improve on their own. In other words, machine learning is about teaching computers to think for themselves. The idea behind it is that you can teach a computer program how to do things by feeding it data—then give it a problem and watch as it figures out how to solve it. 

Three ways to get started with artificial intelligence

If you’re looking to get started with artificial intelligence, it can seem like a daunting task. There are many different ways to implement AI across your business, from using basic reporting tools to automating entire processes. The best way to figure out what would work best for your business is through experimentation.


You should consider: data analytics, predictive analytics, and automation. Data analytics uses data gathered from external sources or internal sources to forecast future outcomes. Predictive analytics predicts future outcomes based on past events or other known trends. Automation replaces humans with technology in completing tasks or procedures that could otherwise be done by people.

The future of SEO

Search engine optimization is always changing. What worked yesterday may not work today, and what works today may not work tomorrow. As we advance in technology and computers get smarter, so does the AI that powers them. The best way to stay ahead of this curve is to understand how your marketing strategy will change as a result of these changes. To keep up, let yourself cooperate with an SEO agency (like this one:, they will take care of everything for you.


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