New to SEO? Here’s How to Start Your Journey on the Right Foot

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There are many excellent guides to starting an online business, but few talk about the technical side. This isn’t because it’s not important; it’s very important to understand how to leverage search engine optimization (SEO) when you first start so that you don’t waste your time on tactics that won’t work or will get you penalized in the long run.

Keyword Research

Before starting your SEO journey, it’s important to research and figure out which keywords you want to target. This can be done using a keyword research tool like Google Ads Keyword Planner or Moz Keyword Explorer. Once you have a list of keywords, you can start optimizing your website for them by adding them to your content, titles, and tags. With the help of Mississauga SEO, it is simpler than ever!


On-Page Optimization

SEO is short for search engine optimization. It’s a long-term marketing strategy employed to improve a website’s visibility and organic search results in google and other global search engines. The first step to on-page optimization is understanding what elements on your website are most important to users and search engines. This includes title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and keyword usage. Titles should be specific to avoid search engine confusion, while meta descriptions should summarize the page’s content. Headers should provide keywords for which you want to rank well while focusing less on those that will bring traffic but not conversions (like famous quotes). And finally, you should use key phrases throughout your copy rather than relying solely on 1 or 2 phrases within headings or titles.


Guest Posting & Link Building

One of the best ways to get started with SEO is to focus on guest posting and link building. Guest posting lets you get your name and brand out there in front of a new audience, while link building helps improve your site’s authority and visibility. A great way to get started with both is by looking for opportunities in relevant communities like LinkedIn or Quora. 

Since it takes time for links to start having an effect, ensure that you are consistent when publishing new content or guest posts. Posting every day or even every other day will keep your content fresh and increase the likelihood that people will share it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. And don’t forget about quality!


Improving Website Speed

Improving your website’s speed is important for a few reasons. First, faster sites provide a better user experience, leading to more conversions. Second, fast sites are more likely to rank higher in search results. And third, faster sites tend to have lower bounce rates. To increase your site’s speed, try the following: 

— Compress Images: Optimize your images by resizing them and compressing them to their appropriate size before uploading them to your site. 

— Minimize HTTP Requests: If you use any scripts that generate multiple HTTP requests, you may want to consider bundling them together into one request. 

— Optimize Page Size: Reduce file sizes by removing excess formatting and images that aren’t necessary.


Competitor Analysis & Competitive Benchmarking

Before you start optimizing your website for search engines, it’s important to understand your competition. After all, they’re the ones you’ll be up against when trying to rank for keywords and drive traffic to your site. The next step is completing an enterprise SEO audit to ensure your website is as optimized as possible. Before getting started with keyword research, the last step is a competitor analysis, which will help you get an idea of what sites are competing for the same terms you are targeting.

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